See how MTV News helped shape Black pop culture with these unforgettable moments in its 36-year run.

Top News

New York City will close its first jail on Rikers Island this summer as part of a 10-year plan to shut down the infamous and violence-plagued jail complex.

National News

Some cheered and others raised concerns when President Donald Trump’s Twitter account, a mouthpiece for the U.S. presidency, mysteriously went dark for a few minutes this week. “My Twitter account was taken down for 11 minutes by a rogue employee,” Trump wrote from his restored account early Friday morning, making light of the brief Thursday […]

Russ Parr Interviews

Alfreda’s first cousin Bernard Gross is a Houston resident. He calls in to talk about his current condition. “I’ve been very lucky. It hasn’t affected me, my home hasn’t been flooded. But there is a lot of extensive street flooding, ” explained Gross. Even though he is safe, Gross says, “The whole city is shut […]

National News

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — The founder of the internet’s oldest white supremacist site said he was trying to get back online Monday after a company revoked its domain name following complaints that it promotes hatred and is linked to dozens of murders. Don Black, a former Ku Klux Klan leader who has operated since […]

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This video is not for the squeamish…or for anyone who may ever want to eat a donut again period! Vlad TV reports that a Dunkin’…