Is the potential ban on menthol cigarettes an end-all be-all for your Black vote? Some Republicans think so, and Amanda breaks it all down.

The FDA is looking to eliminate a new generation of menthol addicts by banning the organic compound from being added to both cigarettes and cigars in the near future.

 IS THERE ONE KIND OF CIGARETTE THAT’S BETTER OR WORSE THAN OTHERS? No, all cigarettes are deadly; however, menthol is what entices people to begin smoking and keeps people smoking. African-Americans, who, when compared to the general population, are disproportionately burdened by tobacco. 45,000 African-Americans die unnecessarily due to smoking tobacco. 80% of African-American smokers […]


RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A Food and Drug Administration review concludes that menthol cigarettes likely pose a greater public health risk than regular cigarettes but does not make a recommendation on whether to limit or ban the minty smokes — one of the few growth sectors of the shrinking cigarette business. The federal agency released […]