About @IndiaMonee

Herschel Walker is being disrespectful during Black History Month.

Alfreda is dishing what's hot off the wire with Tami Roman, North West, and Ayesha Curry.

Loni Love is dishing out all the details of Little Women Atlanta unfiltered.

You know what's better than a vaccine...Russ is ranting about it.

 Lavii, Inc. has created "The Simple Experience" by offering a locker experience in fast food to ensure safety and quality in not only the food but for customers and employees. 

Are you thinking about turning down the coronavirus vaccine? Listen to Russ' Rant...

Ms. Juicy is back on screen for Little Women Atlanta! This season Juicy has a lot of new things lined up and she also shares details of how she and Ms. Minnie's relationship was like.

It's only day two and black people are complaining about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in office. Can we relax?