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“If you show up to life with peace of mind, you can handle just about anything.” ~ Michael Singer

On what turned out to be one of the saddest days of my life, I remember feeling extremely happy at first. I had just finished final exams during my sophomore year at Temple U, certain I had passed – and the weather was warming up nicely with spring in effect. I remember smiling as I walked back to my dorm, thanking God for being so good to me. Then, I received horrific news.

From that day forward, I’ve never been able to embrace joy without some trepidation. I’m amongst many people (maybe even you, dear reader) who are cautious about getting too excited, and struggle with pessimistic thinking. In her book “Daring Greatly,” author Brené Brown shared how her research on shame and vulnerability revealed that joy is “the most terrifying, difficult emotion” to experience. I get that, and it’s unfortunate.

Nevertheless, I just celebrated another birthday last week, and with Jupiter, the Sun and a New Moon all in Leo, I feel amazingly high! It helps, too, that all is well with my health, important relationships are running smoothly, and I’ve set new goals as I venture off on a new vocation. What’s funny though, is that as I get comfortable in my joy without having to knock on wood, I feel like I’m being tested. But that’s to be expected.

Like a Labyrinth, I know that life has its twists and turns. However, I’m still prepared to walk the path, bends and all. I can’t completely attribute this to the fact that I’m older, or more emotionally secure, or more spiritually grounded. It’s also because I’m genuinely curious; I’ve become genuinely curious about my life. The only way for me to be, then, is fully present through the ups and downs. As Shawn Achor said, it doesn’t matter if your glass is half empty or half full. “There’s always a pitcher nearby to fill it at your leisure.”

Check your horoscope to see what’s in store this week ahead, and don’t forget to read for your Ascendant sign, too.

On the day you were born, all of the planets were positioned in the signs of the Zodiac – not just the Sun. To find out more about your full astrological make up, email Tracey for a personal Astrology reading at

Aries: You Rams may be all feisty with plenty of energy, but there’s something (as there is always something) that prevents you from truly being happy. This isn’t necessarily an external setback. Nor does it have anything to do with your financial situation or relationship status. There’s something behind the scenes that has been repressed for far too long, possibly since you were a child. It might be worth examining what that may be in order to release the block once and for all. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. isit for more details!

Taurus: There’s something to be said about the important others in your life. I’m not referring to your intimate relationships; I’m speaking about special connections with friends and other contacts who push you towards your life goals. You need such people around for your own sake. So if you find that your circle has become filled with folks that don’t necessarily fit this description, or friendships seem superficial, you may want to join with those who enhance your sense of purpose. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Gemini: I’m not sure how you feel about the state of your career. But something tells me that there may be a little fog and confusion surrounding your vocational path. Notice I said vocation and not profession, as vocation implies what you were meant to do and where you are an expert. Some of you may already be aware of what that is, while others are clueless. No matter though, it’s important to remember the difference between vocation and profession, and aim for the former.

LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Cancer: I had coffee with a Cancer friend of mine the other day, who’s been having a tough time on the career front. She shared with me how she was getting through what felt to her like an important life lesson by clinging to her faith, and the way she spoke about her prayers to the Universe made me admire her even more; I hope to be equally strong in spirit some day. With this story, it might be worth examining how your spirituality helps you to overcome, and try applying it to everyday life. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Leo: Intimacy involves full vulnerability, Leo. But it can be difficult for you to let others see the real you, for fear of what they might think. My response to that is who cares? I encourage you to explore what it’s like to surrender. That means letting go of the need to control, allowing a higher power to step in. Of course, do maintain some semblance of practicality, and don’t just offer all that you have in love and money. Do what you can, stick to your values, and let everything else fall into place. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Virgo: When Virgos call in to ask about their love lives on the Russ Parr Morning Show (where you can listen to me talk Astrology every other Friday at 9:00AM EST!), my response is that there’s a chance they will meet their soul mate, or be completely deceived. The only way to ensure the preferred outcome depends on you. This means being comfortable in your worth, and seeing others for who they truly are. If you can find the balance, important relationships can grow and expand. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Libra: What are you doing, Libra? Do you even know? Are you taking care of your general health and well being? Are you managing your schedule? Have you been able to incorporate new habits and routines, or at least rid yourself of that which may be detrimental to your lifestyle? It seems you’ve been trying to sort it all out, and that’s good. But there’s still some element of uncertainty surrounding how you want to fill your days, and thus, live your life. It’s OK to go against the grain. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Scorpio: Romance, fun and recreational activities seem elusive to you. It’s almost as if you find it increasingly difficult to enjoy yourself. If that’s not the case, then your creative juices are enhanced, and you feel more comfortable in your own skin. But even that has been somewhat of an abstract experience, primarily because you’re not used to coloring outside the lines or seeing the gray in life. All this said, you should allow yourself to be swept away by whatever brings you pleasure, Scorpio. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Sagittarius: Sometimes it’s tricky to know where we feel the most at home, whether in our physical space, or emotionally bodies. As a Sagittarius, the traveler of the Zodiac, this is especially true for you, and lately you’ve been finding it difficult to really feel at home. It might be worth acknowledging, then, that you may not ever feel at home without feeling grounded within. When you can cultivate your inner sanctuary, home could literally be anywhere your heart is at peace. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Capricorn: Are you communicating clearly, or are you finding that your words have taken on a more abstract quality? You may be speaking prose instead of strategy, and this could be a result of your thought patterns and the ways in which they’ve changed. You’re thinking is no longer as rigid as can be for Capricorns. In fact, even your routines have morphed, and must no longer be followed to a T. I’m not sure how you feel about all this. But you should allow yourself to go with it for now. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Aquarius: When Aquarians call in to ask about finances on the Russ Parr Morning Show (where you can listen to me talk Astrology every other Friday at 9:00AM EST!), my response is to be extra careful with personal investments. You may find it necessary to rid yourself of excess material waste (which is good), but try not to replace it with more stuff that you don’t need. What you value may not be as clear these days as it’s been in the past. It may just be about time, then, to reassess. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which mean it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Pisces: Who are you, Pisces? For a while, you thought you knew. Now you’re not so sure. As a result, it seems you may be trying to compensate for your confusion by fixing others, but I highly recommend you avoid this approach; you’re only lying to yourself if you think this will help you to better understand yourself. People won’t appreciate it, and it doesn’t do anyone any good in the end. Instead, spend more time alone. Get lost in daydreams. Block any unwanted outside energy. LAST WEEK: We’re halfway through 2014, which means it’s time for a MID-YEAR REVIEW. My special for July has been announced. Visit for more details!

Tracey L. Rogers is an Astrologer in the Washington, DC metro area. With over a decade of experience, Tracey brings clarity and insight to your full astrological make up, explaining how astronomical activity above affects us down below. Tracey’s readings are insightful, presenting vital information that leads to self-awareness. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. For more information on services, visit