
BALTIMORE (AP) — More than a year and a half after the Justice Department launched an investigation into discriminatory policing practices in Baltimore, the city’s police department on Thursday agreed to a set of sweeping, court-enforceable reforms designed to repair the systemic problems that have long plagued the agency. The Justice Department agreement mandates changes […]

You remember Toya Graham. She is the Baltimore mother of five caught on camera beating her masked son who was participating in the Baltimore uprising after the death of Freddie Gray, Jr. Applauded at the time as an example of a great mother, Graham said that she was just trying to protect her son. Media […]

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BALTIMORE (AP) — The Baltimore City Public Schools chief is warning students about the consequences of a violent response or other forms of protest ahead of any verdict in the trial of a police officer charged in Freddie Gray’s death. The letter dated Monday from school system CEO Gregory Thornton was sent home with students. A […]