
In today’s “Money Mondays” segment, Mellody Hobson talks about changing jobs and what to do with your 401(k) when making the switch. Today I want to talk about what to do with your retirement plan when you change jobs.  The first rule is NEVER EVER cash out your 401(k) plan. It seems I really can’t […]


Do you have any new ideas for how to teach saving and investing to our kids? Mellody: It is still stunning to me that stock market fundamentals—actually, even the basics of saving and investing—are not taught in schools. That means the onus lies on parents to teach their kids. One fun way to get started […]

I understand that the most recent Ariel / Aon Hewitt Study, focusing on savings disparities across racial and ethnic groups, was recently released. Your earlier study of two years ago found really significant differences in retirement savings rates and highlighted that those rates for African-Americans are especially low. Have we as a group, in these […]