
LAS VEGAS (AP) — A small bouquet of dried flowers was wedged inside the padlock on Gate 5 of the killing ground that was the Route 91 Harvest Festival one recent day, the only visible reminder that it was the site of the worst mass shooting in modern American history. A peek inside the chain-link […]

National News

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Las Vegas ramped up security for the annual Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon, which was the first major outdoor event on the Strip since the mass shooting. The city posted snipers and used a helicopter to watch for danger as tens of thousands of people participated in the race. Many wore T-shirts […]

National News

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Two police officers were “simply having lunch” at a strip mall pizza buffet in Las Vegas when a man and a woman fatally shot them in point-blank ambush, then fled to a nearby Walmart where they killed a third person and then themselves in an apparent suicide pact, authorities said. The […]