An investigation into the relocation of a polluted scrap facility on Chicago's Southeast Side found that residents had civil rights violated.

More Sports

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Just days ahead of the Olympic Games the waterways of Rio de Janeiro are as filthy as ever, contaminated with raw human sewage teeming with dangerous viruses and bacteria, according to a 16-month-long study commissioned by The Associated Press. Not only are some 1,400 athletes at risk of getting violently […]

National News

PITTSBURGH (AP) — New research in Pennsylvania demonstrates that it’s hard to nail down how often natural gas drilling is contaminating drinking water: One study found high levels of methane in some water wells within a half-mile of gas wells, while another found some serious methane pollution occurring naturally, far away from drilling. The findings […]

Health & Wellness

According to a recent UCLA study, babies that are exposed to pollution in the womb are more likely to have autism compared to those who have mothers who spend their pregnancy in “clean air.” UCLA compared the relationship between levels of air pollution during pregnancy compared with the 7,603 children with autism and 75, 635 […]