
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A movement to rename a Richmond, Virginia, thoroughfare for groundbreaking black tennis player Arthur Ashe Jr. is cresting just as the state finds itself in turmoil over a blackface scandal involving the governor and attorney general. The man behind the street renaming says the confluence of the two unrelated developments involving […]

App Feed, News, Originals, Top News

Dwight Jones, the Black mayor of Richmond, Virginia and a former chairman of the Virginia Democrat Party, has become the highest ranking Democrat to appeal to volunteers from abroad to help defeat Donald Trump. Jones has more experience than most local level politicians dealing with the world’s press and dignitaries after successfully bidding for and […]

Little Known Black History Facts, Originals

When we published a Little Known Black History Fact earlier this week, we weren’t expecting such a quick response. After all, the fact was about people who are no longer with us. But in the City of Richmond, those people are still part of a very current decision. When a minor league baseball team wanted […]