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WASHINGTON (AP) — Civil rights groups are planning to train a legion of volunteers on how to record police encounters in minority neighborhoods in hopes that fear of being videoed will deter misconduct like illegal shootings of unarmed men and women. The Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council and other groups officially announced the Santana […]

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A recent study found that police officers across Los Angeles have averaged about one kill per week for the past 14 years. Most killed are…

DL Hughley Show Trending

A recent study found that police officers across Los Angeles have averaged about one kill per week for the past 14 years. Most killed are…

U. S Attorney General Eric Holder took to the podium Thursday to offer much-anticipated details of the Department of Justice’s investigation into police conduct in…


“We are human beings. We deserve to be buried by our children not the other way around. No matter how u felt about black people…

DL Hughley Show Trending

The international hacker group called “Anonymous” has joined the protest of Mike Brown’s death in Ferguson, Missouri. Anonymous calls itself a “hacktivist” organization and has targeted…