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When a person’s sexual desire seems to be missing in action it can be pretty alarming, however, it happens more often that one would think.  The libido is a sensitive thing contingent upon certain conditions within the mind, the body and in your environment. Many of the triggers that send the libido on a downward spiral are common things often seen in your day-to-day practice and can be managed once aware.  If your sex drive has taken a sudden dive, you may be self-sabotaging your sex life. Take a look at the following libido killers and their appropriate remedies.

Libido sabotage: Stress

Some people perform better under a certain level of stress, but unfortunately, sexual performance doesn’t fall under this act. Stress on the job, financial issues, and even issues with family (among other stressors) can decrease libido. Give your sex drive a boost by learning how to manage your stress levels properly. Learn helpful stress management techniques, such as deep breathing or time management,  or consult a counselor or life coach to help with sorting things out.

Libido sabotage: Relationship problems

One of the most common culprits that sabotage libido are relationship problems. Unresolved relationship issues can turn any situation into a tense one, and  emotional closeness is a major ingredient in sexual desire for women especially. Poor communication, lack of trust and other barriers to intimacy can send your sex drive through the floor. If relationship issues are the root cause for a lowered sex drive, talk to a counselor or relationship coach to help work through the issues.

Libido sabotage: Alcohol

Hitting up happy hour after a long work week on a Friday night is a common way for many people to relax, but it could put a damper on the pending sexual experience at the end of the night. Alcohol makes people feel less inhibited about sex, but it can numb a person’s sex drive.  In some cases it may make one feel as if they can perform for hours, but being drunk can be a turn off to a partner that isn’t in the same inebriated state. If alcohol is going to be a part of a night’s festivities, limit the drinks to two at the max and make sure not to drink on an empty stomach.

Libido sabotage: Too little sleep

Common Acts That Sabotage Your Libido (And How To Fix Them!)  was originally published on

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