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Once a month, most healthy, fertile woman will get a visit from “Aunt Flo” that brings bloating, cramping, irritation and stays for up to an uncomfortable seven days. Men cringe and shy away from discussing “the bleed,” but it is  necessary for every man to know some important facts about this natural occurrence that can affect them as well. Pay attention, fellas, because  I’m taking you back to sex education class! Read the facts below and begin to understand your woman’s body better than you ever have before!

The menstrual cycle is a 28-day cycle.

It takes a total of  approximately 28 days for an egg to drop from the ovary, travel  down the fallopian tube into the uterus and for the lining of the uterus to shed if the egg isn’t fertilized (the shedding of the lining is the  actual bleeding part). During this process, the uterine lining begins to thicken in order to support a growing fetus if an egg is fertilized by a sperm cell. During these 28 days, the body goes through a series of  changes that are noticeable if you pay attention. Just realize that the  menstrual cycle isn’t just the 7 days you don’t have access to your  lady’s vajayjay.

The most fertile week is also the week she is the most “in the mood”.

Seven to 10 days before a woman actually sheds her uterine lining are the  days when a woman is sexually aroused the most. This happens because  these are the days when the egg is traveling down from the ovary and  making its way to the uterus in hopes of being fertilized. In short, a  woman’s is preparing to have a child, so her sexual desires become  stronger. If you’re not looking to have any babies anytime soon, make  sure you use a condom during these days to prevent unwanted pregnancy. However, sex during this time will be some of the best  sex you will have because her mind and body will be prepared to receive  you!


What Men Need To Know About Periods  was originally published on

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