Black America Web Featured Video
Author: Jeff Johnson
Publisher: Hay House, Inc

THE TOM JOYNER MORNING SHOW has a long history of prolific writers among the on-air talent.  Starting with Tom Joyner and his wonderful, “I’m Just a DJ, But….” Tavis Smiley gave us a number of well-written books, Stephanie Robinson co-wrote with Tavis the amazing “Accountable,”  and let’s not forget J. Anthony Brown’s collection of “Reverend Adenoid’s Church Announcements.”  Now joining the list of fine authors is Stephanie’s partner in commentary, Jeff Johnson’s “Everything I’m Not Made Me Everything I Am.”

Since the title is taken from a Kanye West song, who better than Kanye to write the foreward?  I don’t know if you’ve heard anything about Kanye lately, but I’m thinking “timely.”

I have heard “Everything I’m Not Made Me Everything I Am” described as a self-help book.  It’s so much more than that.  It is a necessary guide in as the book says, “discovering your personal best”  “Everything I’m Not” may be aimed at a younger reader, but trust, there are a number of older readers who could use a session or two or three with Cousin Jeff. This is written in a wonderful conversational manner in which the reader feels like he or she is really working it out with Jeff.

“Everything I’m Not” is broken down into four parts with several chapters making up each section. In this discovery of our personal best, Jeff not only shares life stories of others, but shares his stories as well. As he encourages us to crack open that shell a la Humpty Dumpty, in chapters chronicling the need to Blow Up to Break Through,” he helps us to put ourselves back together again by the time we get to “Living Your Best.”

I love books that teach me new things or open me up to new ways of thinking. “Everything I’m Not Made Me Everything I  Am,” certainly does that and because of that, let it come as no surprise to my family and friends that this is one book they will be receiving for a long time to come. It is The Truth.